到日本看電影順便拿一些宣傳小海報, 我把他們俵在我在"無印良品"買的壓克力框, 看起來還不錯. 第二幅是我去年在美國舊金山的SUPER Store買的, 一間專賣日本怪獸,英雄跟現代流行玩具的玩具店.."哥基拉"現代畫,這可是手稿喔~美金$40~誰畫的我不知道耶^^"..話說這間店就是發行"SUPER 7玩具誌"的店家, 有買到這次解剖KAWS的就知道啦..有排隊的都會拿到一本免費的SUPER 7!!
The first one, I took it during I stayed in Tokyo, JP. When I went moves, I found there were free, so I brought them to home, then, puted into the poster case which I got from "MUJI", it looks good, really!! Second, I got this "Gojila" draw at a toy store where is selling moster figures, Japanese super heroe figures and some modern figures in San Francisco, USA last year. It was cost only USD$40, I love this draw. By the way, the toy store is issued "SUPER 7" toy magazines, if you have been gotten thw kaws figure, you might get a free "SUPER 7" when you lined up..