KAWS的 東京警交番玩偶..初模
My hand made custom KAWS figure, not finished yet
本身愛死KAWS..即使回到台灣或到世界各地..我都會藉機收尋..有時發線有些玩家會自己製作非賣品來作收藏..那麼我突然有了idea,決定自己也來做一隻, 不過這是第二隻KAWS的custom作品..目前是初模, 也未加上KAWS的有名眼睛跟耳朵..請繼續等待.....
I love KAWS!! Even in Taiwan or any places worldwide, I am always looking for some thing about KAWS. Sometimes, I found some KAWS fans are making some unique works, so I thought why don't I try the same, so I decided I should try. This my second custom KAWS figure, but it's not finished yet, please take your eyes to read my blog any time. To be continue.....