星期六, 10月 28, 2006

Original Fake / Bounty X Hunter !! ON 10/28/2006

突然從朋友電話中得到一個消息"KC!! OF 今天28號突然發售新KAWS玩具啦" 當下二話不說, 就叫他幫我拿了2隻米奇版, 然而BxH版的, 很不幸的沒買不到, 因為同一時間OF跟BxH都同時發售各一版本, 當下只能擇一, 米奇版最"HOT",但數量據說是這樣的, 米奇版200隻, BxH350隻.. 之前黑白版沒買到.但原色系倒是有了..奇怪怎麼原色系我都拿到了..反而是異色系拿不到 嗚嗚~怪哉~@@"
Suddenly!! I got a phone call from my best friend who lived in Japan, He said on phone" KC!! the figures of KAWS are releaseing right now at OF store!! How do think?" Of course, I answered him, take 2!! On the other hand, BxH version also on sale at BxH store, but I just could get either one.There are 200Mickey version and 350 BxH version were released on 10/28/2006...I always get original Mickey version even before..Why~"~
