星期三, 10月 04, 2006

Finally, Nike x MichaelLau SB on my hand..^^

終於到我的手上啦..實際看起來質感真的很好~可惜我不能穿因為這雙是8號半~只能收藏@@"... 除了買這雙限量106的NIKE SB 我還入手了1組Maharishi x Michael lau限定150組..這組很搶手..只要掛上Maharishi就必定缺貨外加大漲....

Finally, it is on my hand, it looks really nice, hight quality..I cannot wear it because it is US size 8.5, the other hand, I also got in one set of Maharishi x Michael lau and it is only 150 limited, super hot...with Maharishi...yape, they must be hot..

SB跟NY FAT 真的很有質感喔 網路價飆到破台幣30,000@@"....
SB & NY FAT are perfect....Just one pair of SB, the price goes up to NTD$30,000 on oline auction..@@"
