星期五, 10月 27, 2006


終於過了這一周, 這一週讓我覺得好累...都是時差害的...我的美國行還真"普通"沒啥激情~呵呵!! 還好有喝到星巴克的焦唐馬其朵...聖路易(St. Louis)位在美國的密蘇里州, 風景還不錯..適合居住. 但要做商業行為的話..可能要在思考....市區還滿冷清的. 照片分為 Arch memorial 高為192公尺.可以登上去.門票美金10元...從紀念門看外面...紅雀主場...紅雀隊說不定會贏~!!
TGIF!!Thanks God Is Friday!! Jet-lag made me so tired this week.My business trip in USA was nothing special. St. Louis is loctaed at Missouri state, USA. SL is a good place for living, but if you wanna have some business there, m m..Think about more and more..Downtown is a little bit cold~people are not so much there...First Picture is Arch memorial, tall 192M, you can oreder a ticket to visite the top, it cost USD$10...Second, the is view from the window of the top...final is baseball field of Cardinals, the Cardinals maybe has a chance become the world champ, so~~Go Cradinals!!
