現在是凌晨1:25分..為了我的第一個BLOG, 也為了充實內容就先稍為現一下我的小小收藏.
有人知道也有人不知道, 但都沒關係, 就當參觀一下. 我不給看我房間, 因為真的很亂, 在美國時可是很乾淨的, 回來之後就不一樣了. 回台灣好像已3個月了, 很多很有趣的國外生活, 有機會在分享, 當然包括現在跟未來的生活規劃. 好啦..言歸正傳,來看看我的收藏囉.
Now is 1:25AM, for my first blog, so I am trying to show my little parts of collection, someone might be knows or not, but that's okay, just looking at here. By the way, I do not show my room on here because it is not so cool, so forget it, body...I came back from USA have 3months, there are good memories, I will share it to everyone, my friends...Also, present and future life.
Anyway, check it out now.
這個是我作的KAWS SIMPSON, 基本上是自己改造的, 不對外販售, 應該合法吧^^"
This is CUSTOM KAWS SIMPSON, not for sale, I made it just for fun..
ICE CREAM 不是真的喔, 我從EBAY標來的, 這個是在日本很紅的街頭品牌, 通常你只能在店裡看到這個冰棋林模型, 但就是有人可以拿到, 它很酷, 所以我標下來啦, 在市面幾乎沒有, 那麼各位請鑑賞吧.
This in not a real ice cream, ICE CREAM is a pretty popular brand in Japan, I got it from Ebay, I was loved it when it goes on Ebay, so I tried to get it and I did, this one is not easy to see , onlt displaying in the shop.
APE 的地毯, 少見吧~我看過有人自己訂做, 但是這個是正品喔, 我用盡辦法拿到的,非常cooool!!!
A super cool carpet of APE, real one, difficult to find out now, but I found it.
APE的茶几, 也很難找到喔.
A table of APE, very rare this moment.
1 則留言:
I just try to leave a massage.