星期六, 9月 30, 2006


WOW...我竟然有我自己的"部落格"了,不可思議..認識我的好友都知道我是越老越懶惰, 但是平常除了工作之外, 幾乎快跟朋友失聯了, 所以本部落格就是媒介囉..藉著我的部落格跟朋友聯繫, 交流跟分享我生活的一部份...吃,喝,玩,樂..等等..那麼就開始吧..KC'S LAZY BLOG~HERE WE GO~~!!
Welcom to my own and my first BLOG, this is an amazing chance to have one, whole of my best friends knew KC is getting older and also getting lazy, why KC wanna make his own blog? yape, you guys are right so, since without my job every day, I have no other ways to contact with my friends, that mean, I will lose my friends as soon, so I took this blog to show out my life, my collections and what I see, what I meet in everywhere, so, my friends, let's check " KC'S LAZY BLOG" out~HERE WE GO~~!!